19 HAIR MASKS FOR OILY HAIR: A forgotten book of grandmother

19 HAIR MASKS FOR OILY HAIR: A forgotten book of grandmother

PURE KERATIN on 1st Apr 2020

A forgotten book of grandmother's recipes is a source who wants to get rid of this oily hair. The best way to properly and fully care for hair, showing a tendency to oily, is to apply masks of home production.

11) Egg Honey Mask For Oily Hair

“Side effects” after applying such a mask will be strengthening the hair structure, rapid growth of bulbs and eliminating the problem of oily hair.

The following natural components are components of the mask: honey and eggs.

It is necessary to take them in equal proportions (2 each) and rub well and apply over the entire length of the hair.

Put a plastic bag on your head, insulate it and leave it for several hours, or better - overnight. A greater effect will be achieved. Then rinse your hair.

12) Camphor Oil And Egg Quick Mask For Oily Hair

Its component composition is very simple: 1/2 tsp. camphor oil, 1 raw egg yolk and 2 tablespoons of drinking water.

Make a mass and apply to hair. After 5 minutes rinse with water.

13) Fruit And Vegetable Fight With Greasy Hair

To reduce the level of sebum on the hair, it is worth using the fruits of quince tree.

Take quince, separate the inside, lower it into water and simmer over low heat. The resulting broth is used for daily rinsing.

Over time, the problem of oily seborrhea will be resolved.

To the same recipe, add the mountain ash tincture, cooked at home. A handful of rowan berries pour half a liter of boiling water on the floor, put on a stove let it boil a little.

Allow to cool, apply to hair in direct proportion to their washing.

14) Potato Mask For Oily Seborrhea

Cucumbers and pumpkins will be able to replace potatoes.

Take two potatoes, twist in a meat grinder, squeeze the juice.

Add kefir or yogurt and apply evenly the mixture along the length of the hair.

Put a hat on your head or wrap it in a towel and leave the mask for about half an hour. After the procedure, rinse with a special hair wash.

15) Herbal Tinctures For Oily Hair

Herbs have unique properties and are able to eliminate the difficult task of oily seborrhea in a short time.

Burdock root, chamomile flowers, calendula tincture, mint, nettle, sage and other medicinal plants will always be your faithful assistant in the fight against greasy foe.

You can use both pharmacy tinctures and self-prepared decoctions. If desired, you can always make a therapeutic tincture with your own hands. The list of herbs is unlimited.

You can prepare the broth as follows: you need to take 1 tablespoon of all the herbs available in the home medicine cabinet, mix, then pour the resulting mixture (in a volume of 20 grams) with boiling water and warm for a quarter of an hour in a water bath.

Adding alcohol will result in tincture. Use recommended products several times a week (2 to 3).

16) Decoction Of Linden And Birch Leaves

For its preparation, it is necessary to mix linden leaves and birch leaves in equal proportions, as a rule, is taken on a tablespoon.

Pour 200 gr. boiling water, give time to brew a couple of hours. The use of a decoction: twice a week.

17) Spruce Tincture For Hair

Its use will reduce salinity and improve the external structure of the hair.

The composition of the above funds traditionally include spruce needles and distilled water. In one liter of water brew 3 tbsp. l conifer needles. Boil for a little over a quarter of an hour, remove needles and apply to hair.

When you add alcohol-containing drinks, the broth will easily turn into a tincture.

18) Aromatic Oils For Oily Hair

Extracts of medicinal plants will have a beneficial effect on oily hair.

Normal hair will become a reality. Even a slight addition of them to your daily hair wash will be an unexpected surprise: the condition of the hair will improve significantly, they will gain an unprecedented softness and silkiness.

In the process of eliminating the causes of oily seborrhea, the aromatic oils of the following plants will be most useful: peppermint, burdock root, calendula and chamomile flowers, sage and eucalyptus leaves, rosemary and thyme, basil and cedar, and many others.

A traditional and inexpensive method of strengthening hair is the use of burdock oil. Modern medicine offers many of its types with a variety of additives.

19) Avocado Mask For Oily Hair

Put chopped fruit in a blender, add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of pure aloe vera juice and a teaspoon of sea salt. Mix all in a blender.

Apply mixture evenly throughout the hair, wear a plastic cap and leave the mask on for about half an hour. Then rinse your hair with warm water, using very little of shampoo.

You can also add any other fruit to this recipe (grapes, oranges, strawberries, banana).

Here is another recipe.

Take a ripe avocado, peel and chop in a blender. Add 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise and mix well.

Apply the paste on your hair, wrap head in a towel and leave the mask on for 20 minutes. Rinse well with lukewarm water.

If for whatever reason you prefer to avoid mask with mayonnaise, then you can use 1 tablespoon of coconut oil instead.

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