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The keratin hair treatment or keratin smoothing treatment are a semi-permanent hair straightening treatment that smoothes and adds shine to frizzy hair. Results of a keratin hair treatment at home or at a salon with a hairstylist can last up to six months.
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Traitement à la kératine
Keratin is delicate, which is why most of the time we encounter keratin, it is dead. For example, if we think of a nail, we need to know that the outer part of it, which we can touch, is formed by the keratin protein already dead. These dead cells serve to protect the live keratin that is underneath and pushes from there when it grows.
When the keratin is regenerating and pushing up the older ones, the cells come off and with them the keratinocytes. Some diseases make this rhythm of the process inappropriate, such as psoriasis, which makes the cycle faster.One way to protect our body's keratin is to eat food, such as gelatin, which helps to maintain it. In general, keratin is presented in the human body in a fragile and dry form, which causes it to come off. Since shedding is a natural part of the process, we must try to ensure that the keratin is as thick as possible, so that the outer layers protect the inner layers. When we moisturize hair, nails or skin, we are helping to strengthen and maintain our keratin.In the case of hair, in addition to being able to moisturize with softening creams, there is also the possibility of making a keratin hair treatment as could be the Japanese straightening or nanokeratin.
Depending on how much disulfide and sulfur the keratin has, it will be more or less strong, that is, it will be more or less rigid. For example, in the case of animal horns, teeth or in the hooves of horses, the amount of cysteine disulfide is high. In the case of hair it is low, and in the case of nails, it is medium. If you've ever had the bad experience of burning your hair, you've probably discovered that it has a very strong smell, which is precisely because of this sulfide.
L'application du traitement à la kératine met fin à tout cela, car elle apporte une grande vitalité et les renouvelle à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur. L'application de kératine sur les cheveux permet d'obtenir des cheveux brillants et sains. La protéine kératine répare les cheveux de l'intérieur, les renforce, leur donne du corps et de la vie. Par conséquent, les cheveux deviennent plus faciles à dominer et il semble qu'à certaines occasions, en fonction de la boucle, ils soient lissés. Cependant, avec la kératine, il n'est pas possible d'obtenir des résultats similaires à ceux obtenus avec des techniques telles que le lissage brésilien.
Keratin treatment provides you with a revolutionary straightening. It is a method that softens, softens and straightens hair. It does not require any strong chemical, but it uses a solution that contains natural keratin to work the hair cuticles and carefully take their place inside your hair.

Par ailleurs, le type de cheveux et la technique utilisée influencent également la durée d'un lissage permanent. Découvrez lequel vous convient le mieux.
Les lisseurs les plus populaires sont les lisseurs japonais et les lisseurs brésiliens, qui peuvent également être réalisés à la maison.
Brazilian hair straightening is one of the most widely practiced today because it offers a more natural straightening. Its price, like all keratin treatments, varies according to the length of the hair, but generally vary between 200 and 300 €. It only requires applying a few small tips after application, such as, for example, avoid wetting your hair in 2-4 days after treatment.
Conditioners help to rebuild hair temporarily and strengthen hair, repair cuticle damage and strengthen keratin structure. Adding keratin to your hair is as simple as using conditioners with a special protein treatment. Below you will find a list of tips and steps to learn how to apply keratin.
Products you will need to apply a keratin treatment at home:
Protein-based shampoo, Reconstructive protein conditioner, Shower cap, Hood dryer (like hairdressers), Moisturizing conditioner, A towel, Conditioner without drying (preferably in spray), A large comb.
Steps to apply keratin to hair:
1. Wash your hair with warm water for two or three minutes to remove dirt and debris.
2. Apply a pre keratin protein-based purifying shampoo to your hair and froth. Rinse hair shampoo well. If your hair is very dirty, repeat the process.
3. Apply a keratin reconstructor to hair. Focus your attention on the treatment of the lenght and tips.
4. Place the plastic shower cap on the head.
5. Leave the protein builder to act under the heat of a hood dryer.
6. Follow the application instructions for the keratin reconstructive product you have chosen to determine how long the treatment should stay on your hair.
7. Remove the plastic cap and wash the hair protein reconstructor carefully with cold water.
8. Seal the keratin protein in hair with a flat iron.
9. Apply a moisturizing cream to the hair. Let it work and, if necessary, you can also increase the effect by replacing the hood dryer again.
10. Rinse hair conditioner thoroughly with cold water.
11. Use the towel to dry your hair, taking care not to scrub excessively.
12. Separate the hair with your fingers and use the conditioning spray. Carefully start to untangle the hair with your fingers. Finish by untangling your hair with a comb by drying your hair.
How Long Does Keratin Straightening Last?
Keratin works especially well with damaged hair, in fact, the more damaged the hair, the longer the keratin results last. However, in general, treatment usually lasts between two and four months.
Due to the fact that it is not a definitive treatment, (the keratin-based solution decreases over time), the hair will return to its natural shape. However, the hair will be soft, shiny and healthy-looking. The more often you receive treatment, the healthier and more manageable it will become. It requires less drying time and the results will be excellent in a few minutes. Since you don't have to work with thermal solutions, damage to your hair can be prevented.
The end result: if your hair is unruly, without frizz or curl and you would like to spend little time maintaining it, keratin is the ideal treatment. The hair will be perfect!
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