

12 ZODIAC SIGNS HAIRSTYLES: Astrology helps us

12 ZODIAC SIGNS HAIRSTYLES: Astrology helps us

PURE KERATIN on 26th Jan 2018

Astrology helps us to better understand nature, human needs, jobs and actions. That’s why it can also say everything about a woman hairstyle. Each zodiac personality likes different haircu … read more
HOW TO TAKE CARE OF DAMAGED HAIR: Hair is fashion accessory

HOW TO TAKE CARE OF DAMAGED HAIR: Hair is fashion accessory

PURE KERATIN on 28th Jun 2017

Hair is, more and more, a fashion accessory that we like to adapt to the trends of the season, the style of every occasion or even the clothes you feel like wearing in the morning. There are … read more
WHAT IS KERATIN TREATMENT? Our hair is more complex

WHAT IS KERATIN TREATMENT? Our hair is more complex

PURE KERATIN on 10th Jun 2016

Our hair is more complex than meets the eye and plays a major role in the appearance of men and women. Hair creates gender identification and transmits sensory information to the brain. We develop … read more