

PURE KERATIN on 9th Dec 2021

People are always looking for solutions and ways to solve problems. Whenever a problem is realized, there is always someone out there working on a solution.

Balding can be sudden or gradual, but either way, it’s not something you miss until it’s gone. Sometimes, that’s the way it is with hair. You don’t realize how important your hair is until you start losing it.


There are some causes for hair loss that are only temporary. Illness, weight change, stress, and surgery are all examples of temporary causes for hair loss. This temporary hair thinning often starts 3 months after an event ends, and usually lasts about 3 months in total. It’s important to be aware of this and use it to your advantage.

More than half of all men go through one form or another of hair loss after their mid twenties. DHT, produced by testosterone, has been known to destroy hair follicles. There are products and treatments available that can help minimize its effect.

Another way to retain healthy hair is to protect it from chemicals that cause damage. Your risk of hair thinning and hair thinning is much higher if your body is exposed to unhealthy substances and has to struggle to maintain its optimal health. Try not to spend a lot of time breathing unhealthy traffic fumes, for instance, and wear gloves when handling toxic chemicals to avoid absorbing them through your skin.


Here are a few lesser known solutions that might help you. These tips can be used to stop your hair from falling out.

1)Cut Your Hair

If you are having difficulty accepting your baldness, this tip may be able to help you : a great advice you can use when dealing with hair loss is to start cutting your hair very short.

A short, stylish cut may draw attention away from any receding hairline or thinning patches. Many people find a well trimmed haircut, especially if you are bald, to be very attractive and appealing. Keep your hair well groomed and close to your head. This can be a great way to look great at all times.

2)Vitamin C

If you have lost substantial amounts of hair, think about adding more Vitamin C to your diet. If you get more vitamin C, you will get more blood flowing to your scalp and have healthier capillaries, which are responsible for circulation involving the follicles. By getting this boost of blood flow moving to your scalp, it will allow faster regrowth.

The importance of consuming vitamin C should be stressed since it can prevent thinning hair. Collagen production is increased with the addition of vitamin C. Collagen plays an important role in the health and longevity of your hair. You can increase your intake of vitamin C by consuming citrus fruits or candy drops with vitamin C.

There are a number of foods that contain vitamin C, including citrus fruits like oranges. Supplements are also available.

3)Massage Your Scalp

Scalp massages may help fight the loss of hair. Massaging has many benefits, not the least of which is increased circulation. For example, it can reduce the stress that may be a causative factor in your hair thinning.

Massaging your scalp will reduce blading. This will increase blood circulation in your hair follicles and will open up blood vessels.

Regular scalp massages can stimulate nerves and engender improved blood flow. If you massage your scalp you can have an effect on hair growth, it will relieve tension that can cause you to lose your hair. This is something you can do every day at no risk.

Rub in circular motions all over your scalp for at least 5 or 10 minutes every day.


Meditation is a great way to treat hair thinning because it relaxes you! If you are under a great deal of stress, you end up with constricted blood vessels in your scalp, and that may cause you to lose your hair. Meditation and massages can increase blood flow to your scalp, and possibly stimulate hair growth.

5)High Protein Diet

A diet high in protein may help to slow your hair thinning. Various foods like poultry, fish, beans, nuts and eggs supply your body with much needed protein. Although there is no cure for baldness, a high protein diet can slow it down by providing the hair with keratin. Keratin will help to strengthen your hair, and reduce future the loss of hair.

6)Spicy Food

To prevent the loss of hair through increased circulation, try to include spicy foods in your diet. Capsicum, a component in cayenne peppers, can promote the growth of hair, and increase the strength of hair follicles. One easy way for someone to get extra vitamin A and reduce his risk of common hair issues is to eat cayenne pepper.

7)Sesame Seeds

Hair loss can be slowed down if you eat white sesame seeds. Each morning, add one handful of sesame seeds to your morning cereal or sprinkle them over fresh fruit. These healthy seeds contain a large amount of magnesium and calcium. These two minerals are excellent for your scalp, providing nourishment and reducing the loss of hair.

8)Aloe Vera

Some people believe in the success of aloe vera preventing thinning hair, this may be something you would want to try. Before going to bed, gently rub Aloe Vera on your scalp. The massaging motion increases circulation to your roots while aloe vera naturally strengthens them.

9)Wet Hair

It is better to refrain from brushing your hair while it is wet. Wait until you have towel dried your hair and then allowed it to dry the rest of the way naturally. When wet, hair follicles are prone to getting damaged and are vulnerable. Brushing your hair when it is wet can cause an excessive amount of hair to fall out.

10)Avoid Styling Products

It might be hard but you should not use styling products to stave off the loss of hair. Products like gel, mouse, and hairspray contain harsh chemicals and may damage your hair.

11)Avoid Some Hairstyles

Don’t wear your hair in certain styles. Hair loss can be caused by certain hair styles. Sometimes, keeping your hair in a ponytail can make you lose hair. Hair follicles can sustain damage with any excessively tight style, like ponytails. Other styles, like cornrows and braids, can cause hair thinning, too.

Avoid hair accessories and styles that pull your hair tightly, and don’t restrain it with rubber bands for extended time periods. Hair products today are improved from years ago, but can still cause harm.

12)A Top Body

If you become ill, you need to make doubly sure to keep your body in top condition. If you ignore your body, refuse to take prescribed medications, or throw away the advice of your doctors, your body will end up having to work much harder than it has to so as to rejuvenate itself. When this happens, energy that could be used to facilitate the growth of hair follicles, is instead diverted to energize your body to promote healing and rid your body of sickness. When your body cannot keep new follicles growing, you will experience thinning hair.


Anti-depressants can have the side effect of hair loss. It is very common for people to experience the loss of hair when starting an anti-depressant, due to the ingredients that it contains. If you are able, ask your doctor if it’s possible for you to switch medications, and see if the new medication stops the the loss of hair.


Though it may surprise you, among the smartest decisions you can make, in order to stave off the loss of hair, involves staying out of highly polluted areas. Studies show that people who live in areas that are filled with pollution have a greater chance at seeing themselves lose their hair. The reason for this is the pollutants that are in the air can get into the bloodstream, which in turn causes harm to hair, and that can cause it to fall out.

15)Consult A Hair Professional

Talk with a professional regarding any symptoms or treatment options. You should always speak with your doctor before starting any treatment and rule out underlying health problems that may be causing the the loss of hair. Your thinning hair could be due to stress, disease or even a reaction to a prescription or your environment. You want to know what a professional has to say.

The thing that you need to understand about balding solutions is that not all the tactics and tips will work for each person. This article and these tips were designed to give you help in dealing with your the loss of hair. Be mindful to apply your newly found information to your own benefit.

There is no longer any reason to feel sad as you watch your hair disappear down the drain. Take action and learn more about different techniques. Start utilizing the advice provided to you in this article as soon as possible. If things go well, you should quickly see progress.